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Bibliografia recomendada
- AWWA - American Water Works Association (1999). Water Quality and Treatment – A handbook of community water supplies. 5th ed. American Water Works Association. McGraw–Hill. New York. ISBN: 0-07-001659-3.
- Rosa M. J., Vieira P., Menaia, J. (2009). O tratamento de água para consumo humano face à qualidade da água de origem. Série Guias Técnicos, Vol. 13. Instituto Regulador de Águas e Resíduos and Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil. Lisbon, Portugal. Sept. ISBN 978–989–95392–7–3.
- USEPA (1998). 40 CFR Parts 9, 141, and 142 National primary drinking water regulations: disinfectants and disinfection byproducts; final rule. US Environmental Protection Agency. Federal register/Vol. 63, No 241/Wednesday, Dec. 16/Rules and Regulations. 69390– 69476.
- USEPA (1999a). Alternative disinfectants and oxidants guidance manual. US Environmental Protection Agency. Office of Water. EPA 815–R–99–014.
- USEPA (1999b). Enhanced coagulation and enhanced precipitative softening guidance manual. US Environmental Protection Agency. Office of Water. EPA 815–R–99–012.
- USEPA (2005). Technologies and costs document for the final long term 2 enhanced surface water treatment rule and final stage 2 disinfectants and disinfection byproducts rule. Office of Water. US Environmental Protection Agency. EPA 815–R–05–013.
- USEPA (2006). UV Disinfection Guidance Manual for the Final Long Term 2 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule. Office of Water. US Environmental Protection Agency. EPA 815–R–06–007.
- WHO (1993). Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality. Volume 1 – Recommendations. 2nd ed. World Health Organization. Geneva.
- WHO (1996). Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality. Volume 2 – Health Criteria and other supporting information. 2nd ed. World Health Organization. Geneva.
- WHO (1998). Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality. Addendum to Volume 1 – Recommendations. 2nd ed. World Health Organization. Geneva.
- WHO (2002). Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality. Addendum Microbiological agents in drinking water. 2nd ed. World Health Organization. Geneva.
- WHO (2004). Water Treatment and Pathogen Control. M. W. LeChevallier and K.K. Au (Eds.). World Health Organization. Geneva.
- WHO (2011). Guidelines for drinking water quality. 4th ed. World Health Organization. Geneva. ISBN: 9789241548151.
Bibliografia complementar
- Campinas M. (2009). Removal of cyanobacteria and cyanotoxins from drinking water by powdered activated carbon adsorption/ultrafiltration. Tese de Doutoramento. Universidade do Algarve. Faro.
- Campinas M., Rosa M. J. (2011). PAC/UF for removing cyanobacterial cells and toxins from drinking water. In Expanding Issues in Desalination. ed. Robert Y. Ning, 233 – 252. ISBN: 978–953–307–624–9. Rijeka, Croatia: InTech.
- Hijnen W.A.M., Beerendonk E.F., Medema G.J. (2006). Inactivation credit of UV radiation for viruses, bacteria and protozoan (oo)cysts in water: A review. Water Research 40, 3–22.
- Huang W., Chen C. Y. E, Peng M. Y. (2004). Adsorption/ reduction of bromate from drinking water using GAC: effects on carbon characteristics and long–term pilot study. Water SA, 30, pp. 369–375.
- Mesquita E. (2012). Remoção de cianotoxinas da água para consumo humano em filtros de carvão activado com actividade biológica. Tese de Doutoramento. Universidade do Algarve. Faro.
- Pina A., Menaia J., Monteiro L. Martins N., Coelho R., Lourenço D., Vinhas R., Lucas H. (2010). The Influence of Temperature on Full–Scale Inactivation of Aerobic Endospores by Ozone. IWA World Water Congress, Montréal (Canadá).
- Rosa M.J., Campinas M., Viegas R., Mesquita E., Costa H., Menaia, J. (2012). Tratamento avançado de água e de águas residuais. Jornadas de Investigação e Inovação LNEC – Cidades e Desenvolvimento. Lisboa. LNEC.
- Rosa M.J., Ramalho P., Silva C., Vieira P., Quadros S., Alegre H. (2012). PASt21 – Iniciativa Nacional de Avaliação de Desempenho de ETA e ETAR Urbanas. 10.° Congresso de Água. Alvor (Algarve).
- Rosa M.J., Silva C., Ramalho P., Alegre H. (2012). Avaliar para melhorar o desempenho das estações de tratamento de água e de águas residuais. Jornadas de Investigação e Inovação LNEC – Cidades e Desenvolvimento. Lisboa. LNEC.
- Silva C., Ramalho P., Quadros S., Alegre H., Rosa M.J. (2012) Results of 'PASt21' – the Portuguese initiative for performance assessment of water and wastewater treatment plants. Water Science & Technology: Water Supply 12(3) 372–386 doi: 10.2166/ws.2012.004.
- Von Gunten U. (2003). Ozonation of Drinking Water: Part I. Oxidation Kinetics and Product Formation. Water Research 37, 1443–1467.
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