
   Human Res.






NEFOREEE - New fields of research in earthquake engineering experimentation.


Project Co-ordinator:

Professor R.T. Severn, University of Bristol



To pursue research in the following six areas of earthquake engineering:

  1. Controlled testing in the non-linear range of material behaviour.

  2. The complementarity of shaking tables and reaction walls.

  3. Reliability of qualification tests performed on shaking tables.

  4. Sub-structuring methods on shaking tables.

  5. Multiple support input to large structures.

  6. Continuous pseudodynamic (CPsD) testing with substructuring.

The research programme began on 1 December 2001. For Tasks 1. and 2. above, a new test-piece has been designed and constructed; the test programme began in mid-2004. For Task 3. above, large-scale test-pieces have been used to explore the effect on response of spurious rotational input motions and their effect on the validity of existing testing standards. For Task 4., a new control system has been developed and proof-of-concept has been achieved for a 1DOF system. For Task 5., exploratory studies have been made on portal frames and compared with existing design procedures. In task 6. above, the principal achievement has been the writing and implementation of algorithms for non-linear CPsD with substructuring. From these 6 Tasks, only Task 1. and Task 2. were performed at LNEC.


Start - Finish:

December 1st 2001 – April 30th 2005


LNEC Team:

Eng.º Rogério Bairrão (Project Manager)

Eng.º Alfredo Campos Costa

Eng.º Paulo Candeias

Eng.ª Maria João Falcão

Eng.º Paulo Morais (LNEC-CIC)

Artur Santos

Dulcina Marecos

Ana Marques

Paulo Semedo


Project site:



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 Copyright © 2005 - NESDE

Last update: 16-08-2006

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