Signal Processing and Analysis Tools for Civil Engineers

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Graph Animation Module


The Graph Animation Module can produce animations of XY graphs with data collected from tests (e.g. polar diagrams and hysteretic loops, etc).




Main Features

  • Animation of XY chart using channel's data;

  • User defined time scope and frames per second;

  • Export to AVI file support;



Example 1 - Precast - Polar Diagram

Example 2 -Precast - Global histeresis Loop


(Click to enlarge)



  1. Run/Help/Stop buttons;

  2. XY Chart;

  3. Title, X label and Y label definition;

  4. Time scope and frames per second parameters;

  5. Source channels selectors;

  6. AVI movie file parameters;

  7. Animate chart control;

  8. Simulate time control;

  9. Autoscale X and Autoscale Y buttons;

  10. Displays the Export sub-module.


Last updated: 15-08-2006 18:50