Signal Processing and Analysis Tools for Civil Engineers

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Analysis Module


This module is the main signal processing module and is used to edit and analyse the time histories. A extensive group of time domain and frequency domain functions are available. This module has multi-channel support and implements the command queue calculation loop;


Main Features

  • Multi-channel support;

  • Basic time domain functions (offset removal, scale, clip, crop, etc);

  • Trends and Fit functions (linear fit, exponential fit and polynomial fit);

  • Re-sampling (auto and manual) and decimation functions;

  • Time Windows (Hanning; Hamming; Blackman-Harris; Exact Blackman; Blackman; Flat top; 4 Term B-Harris; 7 Term B-Harris; Low Sidelobe; Cosine Tape(10%); General cosine tape; Force Window; Exponential Window);

  • Fourier Filters;

  • IIR Filters (Butterworth; Chebyshev; Inv. Chebyshev; Bessel; Filter Elliptic);

  • FIR Filters;

  • Time and Frequency domain integration and differentiation;

  • Basic frequency domain functions (Response spectra, Fourier amplitude and phase spectra, Power spectrum and Power spectral density).

  • Histogram graphs;

  • Channels info table (maximum; time of maximum; minimum; time of minimum; range; absolute maximum; time of absolute maximum; last value; arithmetic mean; standard deviation);

  • Data table and peak detector;

  • Reduce spectral variance function;


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(Click to enlarge)



  1. Run/Help/Stop buttons;

  2. Refresh chart control;

  3. Single Channel or multi-channel selectors;

  4. Channels settings editor;

  5. Time history chart;

  6. Time history chart settings;

  7. Functions chart;

  8. Functions chart settings;

  9. Operations and functions queue;

  10. Basic channels info (time step, sampling frequency, etc);

  11. Time and Frequency domain integration and differentiation;

  12. Channels info table;

  13. Basic edit functions;

  14. Trends and Fit functions;

  15. Re-sampling functions (manual, auto) and decimation;

  16. Time Windows;

  17. Filters;

  18. Data table and peak detector;

  19. Response spectra settings (Functions chart);

  20. Common parameter for multi-channel functions;

  21. Reduce spectral variance function;


Last updated: 16-08-2006 09:50