Signal Processing and Analysis Tools for Civil Engineers

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Software Licence

1- Licence Agreement


You have permission to use this software if you understand and agree with the licence agreement, that you must read carefully before using the software.


If you do not agree with the terms of the licence agreement you must not use the software and remove it from your computer.



2- Licence File


The software also needs a valid licence file ("licence.lic") to operate , that controls several permissions to use the software.

This licence mechanism is not intended for commercial reasons, as the software was developed only for research purposes, the only reasons for this are:

    1- Protect intellectual property;

    2- Incentive users to update the software to the latest version;

so, the licence is completely free.

If you do not have a valid licence file or your licence has expired the software returns a error in the Start Module.


If you are getting these licence errors, please contact the Author, using



Last updated: 15-08-2006 18:50